MTConnect Technical Workshop (YouTube; PDF - 11 MB)
NAMRC43, June 2015
Will Sobel, System Insights
Get up to speed quickly using open source frameworks, data source, and data sets. Come away with a basic knowledge of MTConnect, the architecture of the standard, and tools needed to work with MTConnect data. Includes details on the data model, adapters, and machine-to-machine communication with a read-only interface.
Leveraging Web Technologies for App Development (YouTube; PDF - 0.8 MB )
MTConnect Technical Workshop at [MC]2, April 2015
Jared Evans & Ben Keifer, MAJiK Systems
MTConnect is built to be a RESTful HTTP Interface. Once your machines are MTConnect-enabled, anyone within your factory can create applications that leverage the data available through MTConnect regardless of programming language. See examples of how modern web technologies and MTConnect lets manufacturers ditch the spreadsheets and create applications that are beautiful, blazing fast, secure, and can be accessed anywhere.
Inter-Device Communication and the Foundations of Industrial Internet (YouTube; PDF - 1.8 MB)
MTConnect Technical Workshop at [MC]2, April 2015
Will Sobel, System Insights
Learn about designing and developing a scalable MTConnect data architecture with this introduction to data ingress, storage, analytics, and visualization. See an open-source technology stack that rethinks traditional shop floor software architectures, along with lessons learned from finance, entertainment, and e-commerce.
Building an MTConnect Adapter (YouTube; PDF - 0.8 MB)
MTConnect Technical Workshop at [MC]2, April 2015
Dave Wickelhaus, TechSolve
More and more machines ship with MTConnect adapters, but adapters can also be built for devices without them. Understand the basic characteristics of an adapter, the open source framework, and how to use the C# MTConnect open source framework to build a simple adapter.
MTConnect Overview & Architecture (YouTube; PDF - 2.2 MB)
MTConnect Technical Workshop at [MC]2, April 2015
Neil DesRosiers, Mazak
Create a clear road map for implementing MTConnect on a device, a cell or workstation, a facility, or across multiple facilities. Learn what you can expect, how to set implementation goals and timelines, and what to do first if you want to get connected.
Getting Started with MTConnect: Connectivity Guide (PDF - 0.7 MB)
October 2011
The objective of this document is to capture key considerations for the implementation of the MTConnect standard to a wide variety of manufacturing equipment (e.g. machine tools) representing many different generations of technology. This guide does not address requirements for implementing software applications that use data conforming to the MTConnect standard. It does, however, discuss a number of issues to be considered in planning your project and for preparation for discussions with third-party solution providers who implement solutions compliant to the MTConnect standard. No vendor specific hardware or software solutions will be highlighted in this Connectivity Guide - only guidelines that should be evaluated by anyone considering the implementation of MTConnect on their production floor have been described.